IIS Prerequisite component fails after enabling HttpActivation
As soon as I added the feature .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features > WCF Activation > HTTP Activation, the IIS Server prerequisite in the Prereq Checker would say that IIS is either not running or was...
View ArticleESXi 5 on a Mac Mini 2011
Hi all, since version 5 of ESXi has been released, I've been searching around whether it will install on a Mac Mini Server (2011 model). I know the defunct Xserve is the only Apple hardware officially...
View ArticleMoving from PXE to gPXE causes fatal error: 10 (out of resources)
Folks, I have four servers with 16Gb RAM for which I had a PXE install environment. The PXE environment used DHCP, TFTP, PXE and then HTTPD for kickstart.All four servers instaled correctly every...
View ArticleВ events cannot login domain\username@vcenter_ip_address
На сервере, где установлен Vmware VirtualCenter Server двум сервисам Vmware VirtualCenter Server и Vmware VirtualCenter Management WebServices сменил Log on account и удалил старый аккаунт из...
View ArticleVM boots into EFI environment after crash
Hi everyone, I am breaking my head on something which seems like a bug to me. Some weeks ago, the ESXi host I was running some VMs on crashed (power faillure) and after powering back up and starting...
View ArticleCustom Key Bindings
I am running Mint Linux on VMWare Fusion 5.0. I want to set a far away key to ungrab the Mouse and Keyboard. something like Print Screen or F6. I want to have all of my keystrokes pass through to my...
View ArticleReinstalling Windows and activation
A question about reinstalling Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8) and activation... Let's say that I already have an activated Windows install on a Fusion VM, and want to reinstall Windows on a newly created VM...
View ArticleUSB Keyboard & Mouse not working in ESXI 4.1 on HP Blade
Hi Guys, I have installed ESXi 4.1 Free version on a HP blade server after installtion the keyboad and mouse connected to the physical server is not working , i can able to manage the ESXI remotely...
View ArticleDEM Worker & DEM Orchrestrator frequently offline and online
Hello, I had done single server installation in which only DB server is seperate and rest all roles are installed on the single Server. I had installed DEM Worker and DEM orchrestrator in the same...
View ArticleGuest OS hangs on restart
Hello,I'm trying to resolve an issue with the guest hanging on restarting. Having searched and read a number of threads, this seems a relatively common problem but with no single easy solution. The...
View ArticleLync 2010 headsets do not work in Workstation v9
I have been using the full Microsoft Lync 2010 client in a Windows 7 VM using VMware Workstation v 8 for some time now.I have been using the Plantronics Voyager UC V2 Bluetooth and C710M USB headsets....
View ArticleHow to backup ESXi 5.1 VMs
Hello, I'm using esxi 5.1 free edition, have installed 4 VMs on it (servers 2008 R2) and using VMware vSphere Client to manage them. I'm new to esxi environment and don't know how backups works on it....
View ArticleRunning VM on external drive
I am tired of running low on disk space on the mac internal hard drive and I was thinking I should just put the VM on an external drive (preferablly firewire). The down side of course will be that I...
View ArticleConnecting IBM DS3200 to ESX 3.5 (IBM x3650)
Hello, I'm trying to repurpose a DS3200 for our development cluster of ESX 3.5 hosts. I have one SAS cable connected from the host to the DS3200A controller. Here's what I've done so far in trying to...
View ArticleMoving powered off VM to a different host with PowerCLI
I am having trouble moving my vCenter VM to a new ESXi host.(VMotion is currently unabailable) Old Host Host Connect-VIServer Port...
View ArticleVsphere5.0 UDP packects lost
Hello, i have one Vsphere5.0 server with latest patches installed(release 20dec2012). I have 2 redhat machines installed on it. the network traffic is passing through a vswitch configured with default...
View ArticleMacBook w/ SL, WM Fusion & WinXPPro Network lost
When I first loaded Fusion and then installed XP Pro I was ableto get online, down load SW I needed, all worked great. THEN . . . I loaded McAfee, all went down hill from there!On the XP side I am...
View ArticleMissing Drag & Drop and Sound in Fusion 5/Win7
I've only had this problem on 1 of 5 similar Fusion on Mac installations I've done in the past two years. It started with Fusion 4 and continues now even though I've upgraded to Fusion 5.0.2. After...
View ArticleVcenter 5.1 Timed waiting for vpxa to start
Hi This is for newly installed VCentere 5.1 and Vsphere5.1 , no VMs created yet . In Vcenter 5.1 when trying to add that new Vsphere host (5.1 --- VMkernel xxxx.xxx.xxx 5.1.0 #1 SMP Release...
View ArticlePlatform in Green but availability 0.0%?
Hi Apologies for the question as it seems simple, but I got a scenario of a resource in Green but not available?Having a look at the "collection data" for one of its resources I got 1 minute but seems...
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