A question about reinstalling Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8) and activation...
Let's say that I already have an activated Windows install on a Fusion VM, and want to reinstall Windows on a newly created VM (on the same Mac): now, this new VM would obviously have a different UUID and MAC address (as happens, IIRC, also when you copy a VM, instead of moving it), while the virtual hardware would be exactly the same as in the previous VM.
Then, the question is: will the new VM activate as if it were exactly the same machine as before (thus not using up another activation), or will Windows see it as slightly different hardware and thus use up another activation (for example, TechNet product keys typically allow up to 10 activations on different hardware)?
In other words, would it perhaps be better to make a clean install over the previous VM, instead of making a new VM, from an activation point of view? Or is this not necessary, and can I just make a new VM without bothering about using up another activation?
Of course, if one reinstalls Windows, ideally it should be seen as the same hardware, and thus use the same activation as the previous VM...
P.S.: I have a TechNet Standard subscription, which currently only gives you 2 keys (for a total of 20 activations) per product: so, obviously, one must also care about these potential activation issues.