Very strange
Hi Just wondering if anybody else has come across a problem within SRM acting very strange we have just a single redhat VM which is getting vSphere replicated to the recovery site with a RPO of...
View ArticleStuck on workflow
I am stuck on a workflow I am trying to create. I am looking to unmount the tools installer that gets left on VM's after the tools is upgraded. (Mostly Linux VM's). I have attached my workflow. I...
View ArticleWierdness with 4.14 VMWare Fusion
have a windows 7 64 bit VM that was imported over from a previous lapotp. The Fusion is installed onto a macbook pro with 8 Gig of RAM installed. I have 3 gig allocated to this VM and 1 processor. The...
View ArticleLicensing information for SRM
I need some help understanding SRM 5.0 licensing. We have a PROD site with 2 vCenter servers. The first vCenter server has over 150 VMs and 6 ESXi 5.0 hosts. The second vCenter server has 4 ESXi hosts...
View ArticleVirtual Machine backup and recovery.
Hi, We have VSphere 5.0 and would like to find easy way to backup virtual machines not only file level but in case of some problems we would like to be able to easy restore virtual machine as cost of...
View ArticleVM Freezes host & guest for 90-120 seconds
Hello, Have been using VMWare Fusion happily on my Mac for a couple months now. Boot Camp VM, Win7 Pro x64. Over the past few days, however, a very annoying problem has cropped up: the VM (I believe)...
View ArticleAll host getting greyed out after rescanning datastore.
We have upgraded our datastores from vmfs 3 to vmfs 5.Now we are currently in process of extending all our 500 GB LUNS to 1 TB.When storage team extends our LUNS and we add them back to vCenter Server...
View ArticleCompliment: HOL-PRT-03
I'm seeing a lot of issues being posted on this board, and figured I'd provide some positive feedback on one of the labs, so this isn't meant as a question, just as a compliment. Although most labs...
View ArticlevSphere Web Client occasional "For input string" error
I'm occasionally getting errors like these while using the vSphere Web Client. I can pretty much always reproduce the error when viewing advanced performance charts of VMs or hosts, but only with the...
View Articlestuck at initializing vi sdk
hello whenever i try to start up a workload i click run now and the test starts, however i never get further than "test running (initializing vi sdk)." any thoughts? thanks in advance. _charlie
View ArticlevCOPS -04 will be entering maintenance mode...
Folks, Just a heads up - we wil be putting vCOPS - 04 in maintenance mode (taking it offline) for a day or so..once its fixed it will be back online,,, Thanks to everyone for your support. Pablo
View ArticleFedora in VMware?
I am new to VMware. My teacher gave Fedora to install in my computer. Does it work the same way as any Windows? I just need some tips on the installation.
View ArticleMultiple Nics over one vSwitch (no TF)
Hi,I have a server with 4 NICs and I'm using one of the NICs as my wan incoming port and now I want to use another NIC to be connected to the same switch as the first NIC is connected and share my wan...
View ArticleMail Server result is 0
Hi, I currently setting up vmmark and i not able to get the mailserver result as shown below TILE_0...
View ArticleNeed help urgently - viClient timeout when adding Storage
I have 2 new Dell servers with 1.8TB storage. I have done the following- plugged in 2 network cables and enabled both ports as NIC management ports (Server has 4 ports)- Join domain, set relavent...
View ArticleHost Profile Update / Create Error using IBM's ESX5.1 Build...
Hi Found a problem creating Host Profiles against IBM Blades using IBMs ESXi 5.1 build ESXi-5.1.0-799733-IBM-20120919, when using this customization a auto generated standard virtual switch called...
View ArticleView User Sessions - Report
Hello all, I am at wits end! I have been trying to take bits and pieces of other scripts out there to piece one together. What I need is a report that shows the Desktop Name, User assigned/connected,...
View ArticleVmware ESXI within Hyper-v (server 2012) networking issue
I am trying to get esxi running within hyper-v and it won't recognize the virtual switch even though I got it setup properly and it works with any other VMs on this system. I only have one NIC but...
View Articlehow many VMs per CPU?
Is there a rule of thumb or formula for figuring out how many VMs you can run per CPU in a given host?
View ArticleESXi Networking
I have no COMMS experienceI need advise on the configuration of a vswitch at a site I am working on.The vSwitch has 5 pyhisical NICs.5 seperate port groups.5 vLANs. There is obviously a port group...
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