Have been using VMWare Fusion happily on my Mac for a couple months now. Boot Camp VM, Win7 Pro x64. Over the past few days, however, a very annoying problem has cropped up: the VM (I believe) is freezing my system for 1.5 - 2 minutes at a time, about once an hour. After the first few times it happened, I started running Activity Monitor on the host and Resource Monitor on the guest. Here's what I've noticed: drive activity on the host drops to zero and CPU activity on the guest pegs at 100% during these dropouts. Vice-versa can't be said; CPU is normal on Mac and HD activity on Windows is low (but I don't think zero). All programs on Windows are completely unresponsive and programs on Mac are very unresponsive but not totally. After the dropout drive activity and CPU use are normal and I don't need to do anything to get back to work, it all just works again. Specs are as follows:
2012 13" MacBook Pro (non-retina)
2.9 Ghz Intel Core i7
16GB DDR3 1600Mhz
750GB Momentus XT 7200RPM HD
OS X 10.8.2
Guest VM:
Windows 7 Pro x64
112 GB Boot Camp partition
1 core devoted to VM
Fusion 5.0.2
The Momentus XT is relatively new (2 weeks) but has been working OK. It's also a hybrid drive: http://www.cdw.com/shop/products/Seagate-Momentus-XT-hybrid-hard-drive-750-GB-SATA-600/2539150.aspx
Any insight?