I was trying to increase the hard disk space of a 10GB linux vm to a 20GB. I shut down the vm then ssh'd into the ESXi server. From there I ran the command:
vmkfstools -X 20G Apatite.vmdk
The command ran successfully. Then, when I powered up the vm I got and still am getting:
I have tried numerous things such as cloning the Apatite.vmdk to Apatite-repaired.vmdk. That works, however, I am getting an older version of the VM. i am not getting my changes from either Apatite-000001.vmdk or Apatite-000001-delta.vmdk.
I have some really important work on my VM that I am trying to restore. I should have backed it up before doing anything but I did. Now it seems like I am paying the price.
Can anyone help me recover my VM? Is there a way to increase the size of the snapshot (Apatite-000001.vmdk) or reduce the size of the parent so they match and the vm starts up?
Please help.
Thank you