I have a Tomcat 6 running under Windows, that is not (!) controlled by a corresponding Windows service.
I am unable to configure and setup monitoring of that Tomcat in Hyperic 4.5.2. After creating the server in Hyperic (Type: Apache Tomcat 6) I am not able to configure the server.
In configuration dialog there is an entry "service name" under Control, which requires me to enter the name of the corresponding Windows service. From Unix I know, that there might be entries called "program", "prefix" and "timeout" instead. These allow control of Tomcat life cycle from Hyperic using the standard catalina commands (like catalina.sh).
Why are there no options to disable Tomcat control via Windows service and use program control instead? Or am I to blind to find the configuration entries for that?
I do not want to control my Tomcat via Hyperic but as long as I am not able to provide the right Windows service or replace it by program control in that dialog, I will not be able to complete the servce setup for my Tomcat in Hyperic and save this dammed dialog.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance