I'm setting up a base ubuntu image that I plan on making into a template. If I use DHCP vcloud directory doesn't seem to know what the IP address the VM has. If I use Static IP Pool, vCloud director knows what IP address it wants the guest to use, but I have no idea how to have the guest use that address.
I suspect the ip address that was allocated is some how accessable via the vmware-rpctool, but unfortuantly it's not very well documented.
Right now I have this vm booted up and the guest is using DHCP while the vcloud host has it marked as using Static IP Pool
vmware-rpctool 'info-get guestinfo.ip' returns the DHCP address.
I would imaging I could use something like https://gist.github.com/3105700 this startup script to write to /etc/network/interface
Failing that, is it possible to access a key that is set with vmware-rpctool 'info-set guestinfo.xxxx foo' via the vCloud API? I could use DHCP, and write the ip address out at startup time.