I have many questions to help with
as I have Nexus 1000V on an ESXi2 and was trying to add ESXi1 to
all ports were showing down
so after checking configuration on ESXi's , they both show the old ip of Nexus while i set a new ip in different range but with no luck , unable to make Connection operational and ports of ESXi1 when trying to add showing as administrativly blocked even they are not blocked from physical side
1) Is there a way to change that IP manually on ESXi itself ? what about the Gateway ?
2) I was trying to check removinf VEM and reinstalling the vib file but settings are back even after running swap scipt ! I dont know why !! I install successfully but fail to add and migrate ports because old configuration is still showing
what is the correct way to totally remove the vem and its related configuration ? ( please include a detailed procedure )
3)Can I have 2 IPs for management in same range ( one on Standard Switch and Second on the Nexus ) and communicate with other Standard Switch for other ESXi with same range ( and VLAN ) ?
4) how to use VUM to sync configuration or deployment of VEM ?
5) Wht does it mean if on Graphical you see wrong version for VSM ? what is that related to ? plugin ? how to repair that ?
appreciate your help in advance