Hey all,
Really new to ESXI in general.
Using ESXI 4.1 on a Dell 1950 w/ 16GB RAM and 2TB HD. Was able to get in all my images using the converter tool. I need to build a new Windows 2000 Server for my lab. I put in the Windows disk into the DVD Drive. I installed a new virtual machine as Windows 2000. I try to open a console window on my Windows XP machine and it just never comes up. Sometimes it does, but it will stay black. I get now name resolve issues etc. This is on my local LAN, same subnet etc. No firewall in between. My Vsphere client is fast without issue. All my other VM images start up and I can access them without issue. If I try and access the console on any of my other installed VM's same thing. Window sometimes shows up. I went in and edited the video memory and increased it to 32MB. Same issues. Am running VShere Client Version 4.1.0 Build 491447 and WMware ESXi Version 4.1.0 Build 348481. So basically I need a console to install the darn windows!!