Has anyone tried getting a 2012 Server x64 MSCS going on Workstation 9?
I created 2 VM's with Server 2012 Datacenter x64 and when I do a validation test, I get the below error/warning...
"Test Disk 0 does not support SCSI-3 Persistent Reservations"
Now, originally my VM's disk was not Independent & Persitent, so I powered both VM's off and changed the disks to Independent & Persitent.
My Quorom is a 4GB iSCSI LUN and both nodes are attached to it.On both nodes, the Quorom is "Disk 1" and the C: drives on each node is "Disk 0"
So according to the error message it's the C: drive that does not support SCSI-3 Persistent Reservations.
I came across this KB but it doesn't mention Workstation.
Anyone try this? If so, how did you get the VM's in compliance to SCSI-3 Persistent Reservations for VMware Workstation 9?
GUI setting?
Edit .vmx file?
Any help is greatly appreciated.