I'm trying to install the Perl SDK and I am behind a NAT'd firewall, which let all internally initiated traffic out. The install script first pings www.vmware.com to insure the internet is accessable. But then it checks for and demands the proxy environment variable be set.
The ping works, but it still asks for the proxy setting? We don't use a proxy, what should this be set to?
The code from the vmware-install.pl in question:if ( $internet_available ) {
eval "require CPAN";
if ($@) {
print wrap("CPAN module not installed on the system.\n" .
"CPAN module is required to install missing pre-requisite Perl modules.
Please install CPAN.\n\n", 0);
exit 1;
my $httpproxy =0;
my $ftpproxy =0;
if ( direct_command("env | grep -i http_proxy") ) {
$httpproxy = 1;
} else {
print wrap("http_proxy not set. please set environment variable 'http_
proxy' e.g. export http_proxy=http://myproxy.mydomain.com:0000 . \n\n", 0);
if ( direct_command("env | grep -i ftp_proxy") ) {
$ftpproxy = 1;
} else {
print wrap("ftp_proxy not set. please set environment variable 'ftp_pr
oxy' e.g. export ftp_proxy=http://myproxy.mydomain.com:0000 . \n\n", 0);
if ( !( $ftpproxy && $httpproxy)) {
print wrap("ftp_proxy not set. please set environment variable 'ftp_p oxy' e.g. export ftp_proxy=http://myproxy.mydomain.com:0000 . \n\n", 0);
if ( !( $ftpproxy && $httpproxy)) {
exit 1;
Without the proxy settings, it seem like the script just exits at this point, and nothing more is done. Here is a tail of the install:
Do you accept? (yes/no) yes
Thank you.
http_proxy not set. please set environment variable 'http_proxy' e.g. export
http_proxy=http://myproxy.mydomain.com:0000 .
ftp_proxy not set. please set environment variable 'ftp_proxy' e.g. export
ftp_proxy=http://myproxy.mydomain.com:0000 .
And output from the ping test:[root@ops.tuk2]# !ping
ping -c 10 -W 4 www.vmware.com | grep -c "64 bytes"
What's the secret I'm missing?