hey all,
We are trying to upgrade our datacenter from 4.1 to 5.0U1. VCenter upgraded ok to version 5.0.0-build 804277. upgrade manager and plugin are also installed fine. we are using Cisco UCS blade servers (BIOS version 1.4.3a) so we want to use the Cisco custom ISO image to upgrade esxi. we downloaded the image from VMWare (ESXi-5.0.0-623860-custom-Cisco- we created an upgrade baseline with this esxi image, which is also ok. the current esxi is using 4.1.0 build 348481.
however, when we try to scan the cls we always get "incompatible" or "Non-Compliant" error. manual upgrade use a CD works fine. we also tried the standard esxi image (VMware-VMvisor-Installer-5.0.0.update01-623860.x86_64.iso) and that also seemed working fine.
does anyone have any experice in this? thanks in advanced.
here's a snippet from logs and a screenshot after a scan.
--> <test>
--> <name>PACKAGE_COMPLIANCE</name>
--> <expected>
--> <value>Broadcom_bootbank_misc-cnic-register_1.72.1.v50.1-1OEM.500.0.0.472560</value>
...... multiple lines omitted here
--> <value>VMware_locker_tools-light_5.0.0-1.11.623860</value>
--> </expected>
--> <found>
--> </found>
--> <result>ERROR</result>
--> </test>
--> INFO:root:Running /bin/busybox mount -t visorfs -o 303,303,01777,upgradescratch upgradescratch "/upgrade_scratch"
--> WARNING:root:Couldn't load esximage database: ('/bootbank/imgdb.tgz', "Failed to open tar database: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/bootbank/imgdb.tgz'."). Host may be incorrect version.