Before I had even considered enabling storage acceleration in my vdi deployment I noticed some strange or unexpected behaviour. As mentioned CBRC settings were not enabled in View or vCenter but my recomposition tasks for my linked clones would get stuck inthe customizing status. When checking the logs I identified the following entries that led me to various posts about view vcenter user and the "Global > Act As VCenter Server":
[ServiceConnection25] VirtualCenter https://server.domain.net:443/sdk is currently unavailable - attempting to reconnect
2012-12-17T13:06:21.675-06:00 ERROR (12A0-13F0) <PendingOperation-vm-1925> [ServiceConnection25] Exceeded maximum number of VC reconnection attempts.
2012-12-17T13:06:21.675-06:00 ERROR (12A0-13F0) <PendingOperation-vm-1925> [ServiceConnection25] Permission to perform this operation was denied.
2012-12-17T13:06:21.675-06:00 ERROR (12A0-13F0) <PendingOperation-vm-1925> [VirtualCenterDriver] Problem configuring CBRC digests for VM /VAN1/vm/View POC Desktops/POOL1/myworkstation: com.vmware.vdi.vcsupport25.VmException25: Permission to perform this operation was denied.
2012-12-17T13:06:21.683-06:00 WARN (12A0-0A7C) <PendingOperation-vm-1914> [ServiceConnection25] Problem while performing VC operation: 'Permission to perform this operation was denied.' [com.vmware.vim25.NoPermission]
Sure endough when I made this change, recomposition of my pool continued almost right away. The view client task pane showe the current at task as "Configure Virtual diks digest".
My question is if I am not why fould the recompose process attempt a CBRC digest operation when it is not enabled in both required operations. Is there some other feature apart from storage acceleration that requires the CBRC computation and the "Global > Act As VCenter Server" permissions that is not documented. [ I'm glad i came accross this as we will want to use it eventually but curiosity won't let my questions jus cause I'll be turning the feature on]:
Thanks for any understanding you can pass on.