Anyone else seeing this problem?
I am running Fusion with MacBook Pro - 4GB Ram with 1GB dedicated to an XP Pro VM. I have two shared folders created - one to my home directory and another to a specific folder within my home directory. I am seeing slow performance anytime I try to access files or these folders when I first click on them. So for instance if I want to save an MS Word file - I go to the save dialog - double click on the "shared" folder to open it and I usually see a 3-4 second delay before that folder structure will open up. Once I am accessing the folder structure performance is fine it is just when I have not gone into those folders for a while. To make matters worse I have had this type of thing happen to me in MS Word where word reports back saying that the volume is not available.
The funny part is that when I used to run Parallels - this is one area that there solution worked extremely well - NO LAG what so ever!
Any Ideas or when this is going to be fixed????