I have made a VM that runs DOS (ms6.22) all fine, but the serial port is a challange.
I can recive all data send from the VM on the host's hw serial port, but when I send any data to the host's serial port only one or a few bytes get to my DOS application.
I am testing with a very simple comm. program Procomm (yes it is a DOS version) and from an other PC running windows Hyperterminal throu sthe serial port.
I see in the workstation log some "serial0: Overrun", old problem can be solve by putting serial0.tryNoRxLoss = "TRUE" in the VM's vmx file, but it only solve the failure in the log, it don't open for data to be present to my application running in DOS.
I see a few had addresed this issue before without any usefull answer, so is it possible, or not possible, to use the serial ports in DOS on a Vmware workstation?