Where can I find VMark Benchmarks? I can't find much except a few from the major manufacturers where there are no two systems alike, and they are all huge data center machine. I need to compare the 5600 vs the 2600 lines for performance in VMware and web servers. I understand very well the differences between the two architectures, but that is useless information for a value analysis. While clock-for-clock the 2600s are faster, most CPU ratings are significantly influenced by the 2600's AVT instruction set, which is unusable for most server applications. I've determined that for LAMP stack servers, the 2600s clock-for-clock have at least a 14% advantage, but most certainly not more than a 16% advantage. The missing element in my value analysis is the performance impact the 2600 architecture has on ESXi 5.1. "It should be...", or "In theory...", or "I noticed they are a lot faster..." is useless drivel. I need data from benchmarks that I can plug into a calculator.