I figure we don't hear enough about the ones that failed so I'm going to be man enough to admit I failed with a 271. I've already passed the vcap-dca5 exam and I've been doing virtualization for a while now. I studied for a month using the same material that has been mentioned on this forum.
These are the resources I used:
The Forbes Guthrie vmware vsphere design book.
Scott Lowe's Mastering Vmware vsphere 5
Scott Lowe's Triansignal Designing vmware infrastructure
Duncan and Frank's vsphere 5 clustering technical deepdive
Sean Crookchston and Harley Stranger's managing and optimizing vmware vsphere deployments
all the website study guides
The Brownbag podcasts
Business continuity and disater Recovery Design
All documents referenced in the blueprint plus all vsphere documentation.
I hate to admit this but I studied that material multiple times and still came up short. My confidence is a bit shaken now. The time was the biggest issue for me and halfway into the test i had to start rushing and I finished the last question with a couple seconds. The one area that I'm most frustrated with is that I don't know if I was executing the visio like interface correctly. I just wasn't sure if I was linking things or putting things together in the way they wanted so the program would score it correctly. I'm not sure I would do any better if I took it again. Don't get me wrong i'm going to take it again but its back to the drawing board.