If the memory limit of the free esxi5.1 are 32gb, meaning that I cannot boot a host that has 32gb or more of ram, what are the limits of 4.1 U3 ? Is 4.1 u3 better, or less restrictive than 5.1 re: memory?
I plan on purchasing a Dell PowerEdge 420 with 32GB of ram (Intel Xeon E5-2420 1.90GHz, 15M Cache). If I use 5.1, this mean that I can only allocate 32gb of ram. 3-4 guests!
What are the limits of 4.1 u3? I cannot seem to find the memory limits of 4.1 u3. I do not need any of the bells and whistles that the paid versions provide.
Please help. I'd like to virtualize many more systems that 3-4. If I use 5.1, I will not be able to use more than 32gb. What are the limits of 4.1?