some of my environments are not installed with default english language and I encounter sometimes errors like this :
Generating VMware vSphere Health Report v5.0.2 "vmware_health_report.html" ...
This can take a few minutes depending on the size of your environment.
Get a cup of coffee/tea/beer and check out http://www.virtuallyghetto.com
Wide character in print at ./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl line 554.
Can't call method "allIp" on an undefined value at ./vmwarevSphereHealthCheck.pl line 2540.
To solve this, I modfied the script in adding a parameter to define (and force) language settings :
line 141 :
line 161 :
my ($system_name, $host_name,$hostlist,$vmlist,$service_content,$hostType,$apiType,$apiVersion,$report,$my_time,$start_time,$demo,$email,$printerfriendly,$logcount,$vmperformance,$hostperformance,$clusterperformance,$type,$clusterInput,$datacenterInput,$hostfileInput,$cluster_view,$cluster_views,$datacenter_views,$datacenter_view,$host_view,$conf,$debug,$locale);
line 198 :
$locale = Opts::get_option('locale');
line 375 :
sub getServiceInfo {
my $sc = Vim::get_service_content();
my $session_manager = Vim::get_view( mo_ref => $sc->sessionManager );
$session_manager->SetLocale(locale => Opts::get_option("locale"));
return ($sc,$sc->about->productLineId,$sc->about->apiType,$sc->about->version);
Do you think that it is the best solution ? Do you think that you cald add this change in the neext releases of the script ?
Many thanks for thies great script.