I am thinking of implementing the 1000v on esxi 5.1.
currently everything i have is on dvswitch with the exception of iscsi which is on vss.
I have 8 nics per esxi host currently
vmnic0,1 --- mgmt (vlan 50)
vmnic2,3 --- vmotion (vlan 10)
vmnicc4,5 --- vm traffic (trunked)
vmnic6,7 --- iscsi (vlan 60)
If I added in the 1000v, can I use dvswitch for that or does it have to be vss? Also where and what vlan and what nics should the contol, management and packet vlans fit in?
Would the management vlan be the same as he mgmt vlan of the esxi host (in this case vlan 50?) or should it be on the same vlan as the mgmt ip vlan of the upstream switches (nexus and fabric interconnects)
what about the control and packet vlans? how can i fit those into my current setup of 8 nics o do I need to create more nics?