Current setup is View 5.1. Pool is setup to use PCOIP, 4 Monitorss and Max resolution 2560x1600. There are many VMs in this pool and only one reporting the problem. Host pc is a Dell Vostro pc with Windows TPC OS. The right monitor is #1 and left is #2. #2 is set as the Main Display, meaning the shortcuts and taskbar default to that monitor. The user wants that to transfer to his View VM.
When the user launches the View Client the session really botches up the monitors. The black View menu bar does show up at the top of the left screen, as it should. However, the taskbar and desktop files shows up in the right monitor. On top of that, none of the files or the taskbar itself is usable. To click on the Start button (located in the right monitor) the user has to go to the lower left corner of the LEFT monitor (where nothing is showing) and click there to activate the Start button. In other words, all the desktop icons and taskbar are in the right monitor but to use them the user has to figure out where to click on the left monitor that corresponds to the correct item from the right monitor. It's kind of like throwing darts at a blank dartboard on the left while looking at a regular dartboard on the right.
I've tried uninstalling the View client from the host and the agent and VMware tools from the VM and reinstalling all. The problem is still there. A short term cure is to have the user shut down and restart the VM. While that's happening he switches the Main Display to the other monitor and then goes back into his VM. The VM then has the display settings synched with the host. If the user restarts the VM, the problem returns.
Anyone run into this before and have a solution?