Ok, I have zero qualifications in vmware and have done no prior training. But after loading a trial copy for my home server. I really like vpshere and want to learn more. But the information provided from different sources is very confusing.
People said I want to be a vsphere 5 professional. So I looked that up but it doesn't exist on this site (vcp510) There is only the DT and DV versions.
But both the DT and DV versions have a prereq of a VCPS certification which I can't even see.
So I checked pearson vue. To see what exams they had. They do have the vcp510 exam and the vcp510-dt. But not the DV version.
What made it even more confusing is that when I was watching the CBT nuggets training videos. It said I had to have to do a VMware View: Install, Configure, Manage [V5.0] course. But it states this isn't necessary with vcp510-dt/dv.
I am so confused 0_o
I am going to learn vsphere and I would like to use it professionally so I want to get certified but I want to make sure I study the right materials first.