Excuse the greeness in my powercli abilities so I am not even sure is I can explain what I am wanting so I will give you an example of what I am looking for
I would like to pull the "notes field" - IF POSSIBLE like this
$vms = "" | Select-Object VMName, OS, (Notes
$vms.VMName = $vm.Name
$vms.OS = $vm.Config.GuestFullName
$vms.Notes = ??????
but I do not know what to query as in querying for the vmname ($vm.Name)
Or am I just WAYYYYY in left field and not even on the right track?
So one, can I do it and what do I query with
two, is there an easy way for a dummy like me to know what I query from virtual machines... I like to gather info so I am sure I will have the same question about something else.