I am trying to set up vMA and i am up to page 15 of the guide (http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vima/vma41/doc/vma_41_guide.pdf).
Where it says to go to a windows PC and run this command
ktpass /out foo.keytab /princ foo@VMA-DC.ENG.VMWARE.COM /pass ca... /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -mapuser <vma-dc>\<foo>
replacing <vma-dc> with my domain and foo with the user with permission for the vCenter admin. My version, if i'm getting it correct, looks like this:
ktpass /out foo.keytab /princ foo@VMA-DC.ENG.VMWARE.COM /pass ca... /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -mapuser ampco.com.au\administrator
which returns
DsCrackNames returned 0x2 in the name entry for ampco.com.au\administrator.
and no file
any hints as to what i am doing wrong?