I am running a vSphere Essentials installation with 3 hosts and am working on automatic shutdown in the event of a power failure. The one issue I have discovered is that running linux guests don't shutdown gracefully when I issue a host shutdown command via the hostops command or even using the vSphere client to shut the system down. I do not want to go into maintenance mode as I need to have my vMA running until the last possible moment and I need vms to come back online after power is restored. Windows guests shut down gracefully when a host shutdown is started but linux guests just sit there until the host itself goes down. This even happens with the most current tools installed. The wierd part is if I explicitly ask for a graceful shutdown of the linux vm either via the command line or the vsphere client the linux os shuts down gracefully. Is this a known issue? Without a fix I am going to have to manually issue shutdown commands to all vms before I shut down the host, not a big deal but more messy than I would have liked.