Hopefully a quick question because I'm missing something obvious.
I am running vmrun version 1.12.1 against an ESX 3.5 Server and am getting partial sucess.
If I run:
vmrun -T ESX -h http://{ip Address}/sdk -u root list
I am prompted for the password then it lists the VM's running as follows.
Total running VMs: 3
[ha-datacenter/server:storage2] Client/Client.vmx
"" "" ""
"" "" ""
But when I try to list the snapshots using:
vmrun -T ESX http://{ip Address}/sdk -u root listSnapshots "[ha-datacenter/server:storage2] Client/Client.vmx"
vmrun -T ESX http://{ip Address}/sdk -u root listSnapshots "[server:storage2] Client/Client.vmx"
I get the following error.
Error: Cannot open VM: [server:storage2] Client/Client.vmx, There was an error in communication.