Hi, I am able to install both vCli 5.0 U1 and vCli 5.1 in Ubuntu 12.04.1 64-bit but when I try esxcli I get:
bash: /usr/bin/esxcli: No such file or directory
The installation log:
Do you accept? (yes/no) yes
Thank you.
Please wait while configuring CPAN ...
Please wait while configuring perl modules using CPAN ...
CPAN is downloading and installing pre-requisite Perl module "Archive::Zip" .
CPAN is downloading and installing pre-requisite Perl module "Crypt::SSLeay" .
CPAN is downloading and installing pre-requisite Perl module
"Class::MethodMaker" .
CPAN is downloading and installing pre-requisite Perl module "Data::Dump" .
CPAN is downloading and installing pre-requisite Perl module "SOAP::Lite" .
In which directory do you want to install the executable files?
Please wait while copying vSphere CLI files...
The installation of vSphere CLI 5.1.0 build-780721 for Linux completed
successfully. You can decide to remove this software from your system at any
time by invoking the following command:
This installer has successfully installed both vSphere CLI and the vSphere SDK
for Perl.
--the VMware team
Everything seems fine but esxcli don't work. Any ideas?