Hello Everyone,
I'm a newbie and thanks in advance for your help/advice.
The process to backup a VMware image from system A to system B failed. The target image, on system A, was not running but there was a different image running on system B. I’ve been able to perform this backup in the past, but this time it failed.
Both systems A/B are running vSphere Client v5.0.0, VMware ESXi v5.0.0.
The steps to perform to backup are as follows:
- Open VMware vCenter Converter Standalone v5.0.0.
- Select “Convert machine” with source machine type “VMware Infrastructure virtual machine”. Specify server IP, login, and then select VM image.
- Select destination machine type “VMware Infrastructure virtual machine”. Specify server IP, login, and VM image name.
- Confirm that there’s sufficient HDD space on server B datastore1.
- Start the conversion.
Error Description:
- The conversion, Task ID 4, failed after 98% completion, with a status of “FAILED: Unable to create '\\.\vstor2-mntapi10-shared-2FB7F167000010000000000006000000\$Reconfig$'.”
- Prior, successful backups would complete in 2.5 hours. This failure occurred at 4.5 hours, Started: 1/17/2013 9:17:18 AM and Failed: 1/17/2013 1:46:58 PM.
- The log highlights show the following “Error: An error occurred during reconfiguration” on 1/17/2013 at 1:46:58 PM.
- I’ve attached the log files.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!