I've been having some weird X-11 problems with my Linux system that have resulted in reinstalls -- now that I have a functioning system, I tried to get VMware (workstation 9.0.1) going again. But, when I click on the button marked "Enter License Key" effectively nothing happens.
I've tried it two ways -- from the user account:
1) asks for password (root - probably)
2) Password entered, no form for key entry shows up
As root:
1) click button
2) nothing happens
I've tried strace, but VMware seems to be busy polling a VMserver (that I don't have in any case) so for practical purposes it is impossible to detect what is going on with the button.
I've looked in the KB but don't see anything relevant.
I've had a look in here but didn't see anything relevant.
I tried VMware support, but since it is more than 30 days since I upgraded to 9, I'd have to pay to get the problem resolved.
Anyone here seen this problem or have a suggestion?