Anyone know the fix on this error message? Is there really a GetVmGuestNetworkInterface_.bat? I only have _WindowsGuest.bat, _windows7Server64Guest.bat, _windows764Guest.bat and LinuxGuest.
Get-VMGuestNetworkInterface : 1/15/2013 2:58:43 PM Get-VMGuestNetworkInterfa
ce Could not find file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\vSp
here PowerCLI\Scripts\GetVmGuestNetworkInterface_.bat'.
At C:\data\techops\ProductOperations\Scripts\MigrateTo-vCloud.ps1:451 char:61
+ $guestnetintf = $newvcvm | Get-VMGuestNetworkInterfac
e <<<< -HostUser $esxserver.Username -HostPassword $esxserver.Password -GuestU
ser $vm.GuestID -GuestPassword $vm.GuestPwd | Select -First 1 | %{$_.Name}
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-VMGuestNetworkInterface],
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Client20_VmGuestServiceImpl_UploadFileToGuest_Vi
I only encountered this error when i run my script but not when i do it manually.
Originally i created the script on 5.0 and i only encountered this error now after upgrading to 5.1
Not sure if it matters but i am switching to STA mode in the script.
The Guest OS of the VM i am running against is Windows 2008 R2 64bit.
I have the following PowerCLI version
and Running against vCenter Server, 5.1.0, 880146
Thanks in advance.