Hi All,
I have recently upgraded from View 4.x to 5.x. I am having trouble with a couple of the Windows 7 physical workstations we have published through View. The issue is that if a user does not logoff their session from the physical computer (ie. Start | Logoff) they receive an error stating the machine is unavailable when trying to connect to it from the View client. This issue never existed prior to View version 5.x. We could always logon to a workstation that was simply locked. I have reinstalled the view client on the workstations with the latest version as well to rule that out as a problem.
Not sure if I am missing something simple here but this is a real nuisence for those users who work on a physical desktop all day and then try and reconnect again at night from home since at the end of the day they are forced to close down everything, logoff and then start over again when they make the remote connection through View from home or the road.
Any insight, thoughts or assistance would be great!