I have an Org. Admin that needs to boot some of his VMs with an OS already installed into a Live CD. Mounting the LiveCD ISO and rebooting the VM through the vCD UI will not work because the default boot options of the VMs are HDD then CD-ROM. Is there a way to force a boot to CD-ROM through the vCD UI or is my Org. Admin stuck creating a support ticket for me to change VM boot settings through vCenter?
FYI, my current work around is to:
- Add a boot delay (5000ms) to the VM through vCenter
- Start a console for the VM from vCD
- Issue a reboot command from the OS (or reset from vCloud UI)
- ESC for BOOT settings (or F2 for BIOS settings)
- Mount CD/DVD ISO from vCloud UI
- Choose CD-ROM Drive in the BOOT settings