I did a 5.1 upgrade on a VM running Vcenter 5.0. The SQL 2008 database resides on another VM. This is a test data center.
I ran the checker and it came back fine. Vcenter and SSO installed on same VM.
I installed SSO Basic. I ran the scripts before to create the database and users. Install went ok with no errors.
I upgraded the Web Client but didn't check to see if my domain account still worked as an admin.
I upgraded the inventory service without error.
I upgraded Vcenter without errors.
I upgraded my VI Client to 5.1.
I can't access Vcenter with the VI Client. I get an authentication error using my domain account. I tried the admin@System-Domain account. It says that account doesn't have permission.
I can login via the Web client using the admin@System-Domain account. I can't log into the Web Client with my domain account.
While in the Web Client it says the inventory is empty. I see none of my hosts or VMs in my test data center.