We are running Workstation 9.0.0 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Host.
We have 2 x 2008 Server Standard and up to 7 x Win7 Home Premium VM's running servicing a small web service system. There are plenty of resources and we have previously operated a similar number of machines under Workstation 7 with no issues.
The problem we have is that the Win7 guests arre crashing with the error
'Unable to open the registry: Insuffiecient system resources exist to complete the requested service. The VMware Workstation licence has expiredand your virtual machine will now be suspended. Ensure that your computers date and time are set correctly. go to ... to obtain a new licence key'
This seems to happen to one of the guests (not alays the same one) once per day or so. The guest machine has crashed and all services that were running on it are no longer available. The VMware licence is current and should not expire.
Atte,mpting to restart the machine locks up the console of the Workstation. If the menus are used to reset or power of the machine, all options become grayed out. However it is possible to switch to and manage the other guests which continue to work normally. The only way we have been able to get the crashed guest back online is to end the process via task manager, from where it can be restarted using the Workstation as normal.
Does anyone have any clues as to
a) why the guests are crashing (so far the 2008 servers have been OK - only the Win7 guests are affected - although that could be coincidence)
b) how to get the guests back up and running again without having to resort to task manager.
Many thanks in advance for any help