Hey there - I'm running vCOPS 5 -
I noticed that some VM's were showing 'no data' in their respective details panels..I read somewhere restarting the service was the way to fix this..
At the time I wasn't aware of the command-line way of restarting the service (from the Ui box vcops-admin restart), so I right clicked the vCOPS vAPP itself clicked shutdown, waited a while after it had done so and turned it back on.
Tried to log in using FQDN at the browser said web server not available - will redirect when possible.. shortly there after it kicked me to a 404 screen.
I verified in the vSphere Client that the IP's are static and different, I then logged into the UI box and ran a summary, it showed the Analytics VM having the same Ip address.. so I ran the repair tool (vcops-admin repair --ipaddress XXXXXXXXXXXXX) with the Analytics VM's address.. it said "repaired" after restarting the service again, but after another summary view - showed the same thing.
I read that in v1 of vCOPS this was a known graphical mismatch - and to ignore it. So -- what could be the issue? Let me know (I've also already verified there is drive space)
Thanks in advance for any assistance !