I have another question:
1. i want to install vcenter in Vmware workstation 8 just for testing environment and to check Vcenter functionality. But still i m unable to install it.
(i). i have vmware workstation 8 installed over a Windows 7 64 bit operating system with virtualization enabled from physical machine BIOS.
(ii). On my vmware worstation i installed ESXi5.1 and i can access my ESXi host from vsphere client which i installed in windows 7 physical machine.
(iii). Now, i created one more machine in worstation with windows server 2008 R2 64bit operating system, i give 4 Gb RAM, 1 cpu with Dual processor, 20 GB harddisk.
In this windows machine i want to install just my Vcenter server without joining any domain controller.
Kindly help me to install Vcenter & solve my problem.
Do i have to install AD in this server ? becuase when i try to install vcenter it will ask me for FQDN name.
If you have any link or doucumnet kindly refer me.