I'm unable to install VSA. Very early on in the installation (just after the patents and accepting the EULA), I receive the following error:
"VSA Manager should be installed on the vCenter Server. Please ensure this is the vCenter Server, and type the correct host name."
The screenshot below is of the VSA installer:
Note that the values for the IP address (, the HTTPS port (80), and the HTTP port (80) are selected by the VSA installer and are greyed out. I assume that when the error directs me to "type the correct host name" it wants me to type that into the IP Address text field. Unfortunately that's not possible to do so since the VSA installer has greyed out that text field.
Since I apparently have to use the IP address that the VSA installer selected, I've double checked DNS to make sure that the reverse lookup for the VSA-selected IP address (i.e. works. It does work. The reverse lookup resolves correctly to desktop01.vclass.local. Furthermore, I verified that the forward lookup for the FQDN (desktop01.vclass.local) and the short name (desktop01) works. They both resolve correctly to
As the screenshot above illustrates, I have verified that the vCenter service is running on the machine where I'm attempting to install VSA.
I am aware that there is a known issue that causes the VSA installer difficulties. Specifically, the VSA installer has issues if the machine where VSA Manager is being installed has multiple NICs. To sidestep that issue, I disconnected a NIC that was configured for leaving only one NIC - the one configured for I then performed a fresh installation of vCenter on that machine, and I am now attempting to install VSA.
Suggestions? Thanks in advance.