Hello VM community,
I've come across a few forum posts about this but was hoping for some definitive answers and maybe some step by step commands or links on how to do this. The Windows Server '08 VM guest in question lives on a server running ESXi 4.0. I would just copy from server to server via vCenter but my trial licensing expired on my two host servers and I haven't been able to install my paid licensing because my old host is not ESXi 5 yet so my two host servers are not connected anymore and so on...
I'm planning to upgrade my old ESXi 4 server to 5 and want to backup one VM guest server in case anything breaks
I basically wish to:
-mount a USB hard drive to the ESXi 4 VM host via the CLI (I'm guessing)
-copy the VM guest to the USB hard drive
-unmount the USB drive
-attach it to my other VM host server running ESXi 5.0
-copy the VM guest from the USB drive to the ESXi 5.0 server and boot it up to ensure it worked.
Any help or links to articles anybody's found would be very greatly appreciated. Thanks.