i have many problem con vdiskcreate.pl.
Initially I could not create a new disk, then I read this document and now all ok
Now however, I need to create a rdmp but I think for my mistake, I always return the same error
Error; Incompatible device backing specified for device.
Maybe I'm wrong syntax. I use vsphere4, can you help?
I do not understand, on 'option --filename, what should I put.
I tried
perl vdiskcreate.pl --server --username root --password password --vmname Test_IVAN --filename vml.02000000006006016055351f00506decc0459cde11524149442035 --backingtype rdm
Error; Incompatible device backing specified for device.
perl vdiskcreate.pl --server --username root --password password --vmname Test_IVAN --filename /vmfs/devices/disks/vml.02000100006006016055351f00516decc0459cde11524149442035 --backingtype rdm
Error; Incompatible device backing specified for device.
I do not know what to do, help!