We are thinking of virtualizing on a new Dell PowerEdge 420 that is set to be delivered at the end of the month. I have used Vmware player, but never bare-metal server hypervisors.
The server comes with 2 x 300GB SAS drives and a HW Raid card and we entend on putting Windows 2012 standard and migrating our exsisting win2008r2 to a VM. I've read parts of a book I borrowed called "Mastering VMWare vSphere 5 (Scott Lowe) - however this is overboard to what we are doing and is more enterprise and not Small Business.
Is there any "simple examples or tutorials" using local hard drives out there?
Thoughts thus far:
* Mirror 300GB SAS drives and use for primary server (virtualized) dedicated drives
* RAID 5 with SATA III 500GB drives for additional storage and to hold Win2k8r2 VM and maybe a few others
I assume I need a seperate dedicated drive for ESXi to install too... or is it safe to install on the mirrored drive in a seperate partition?
Any pointers or links would be useful,