I have a single vmware esxi 4.1 host at a remote site and vcenter is a virtual machine on it, along with 2 other vm's. It is the target for SRM as well.
Anyway I was trying to remediate updates in update manager and it just times out waiting for vm's to power off. There's no other VM host in this cluster so it's not like anything can vmotion off. So I'm wondering because update manager is running on vcenter server that is running on THIS Host, if it were to shut down then maybe update manager couldn't complete?
How can I update this host, currently on 4.1.0, 260247.
I have another ESXi at 4.0.0, 171294 running at that site and it can also access the shared storage that the 4.1 server can. I cannot manage this in vCenter and vMotion things to it because I don't have a licence to do so. But could I import vcenter to this and power it on and then try to remediate the other host?
Thanks for the help.