After installation of vShield Manager virtual appliance and operations at vShield Manager web interface, vShield tab was displayed for the ESXi host on vSphere client. However, it took long time (about 5 minutes) to display contents in "General" page under vShield tab (while "Endpoint" page was displayed immediately). Waiting a long time, the vShield components (e.g., App, Endpoint) was displayed in "General" page, after clicking "install" for vShield Endpoint, a "Wating" message box was poped up and remained there for about 10 minutes. Finally the message box disappered and a text "Failed to initiate installation" was shown in "General" page.
So my questions are,
1. What's wrong with it? I think my installation procedures have nothing wrong. Why did I always fail to install vShield component?
2. My ESXi host cannot access Internet. The DNS Server cannot be connected. Does it matter for vShield components installation?
3. I'm wondering where are the vShield App and Endpoint installers? I only imported vShield Manager ova file. Are vShield App and Endpoint installers packaged in vShield Manager ova file? Or are they downloaded from VMware website during the installation?
My ESXi and vShield Manager version are both 5.0.0.