Has onyane installed ESXi4 on a RAID-6 with Areca RAID controller ARC-1220?
I found a driver on ftp://ftp.areca.com/tw/Raidcards/AP_drivers/VMware/ESXI_4, an .iso
file and burned it to a CD. Read the Readme.txt file.
I understand one must first boot the computer from e.g. an USB disk that has ESXi4
installed on that (i have such an ESXi4 USB disk) Then via vSphere Client put the ESXi4
in maintenance mode, then from vSphere Command Line interface, execute a perl script
which uses some .zip file on the CD mentionned above. The reboot ESXi4 server.
What does this exactly do?
If my computer is 'empty', I mean only has say 2 RAID Volume Sets created, but no o.s.
then what does this perl script do?
Where do these drivers go? On the ESXi4 USB disk of somewhere in the (first) RAID Volume set?
I want ESXi4 installed on the hard disk of the computer, not on an external USB disk, or is this
just not possible?? How does one put ESXi on the hard disk of the computer ?