I'm trying to get the host that a list of VMs are on, but I'd also like the VM name printed out so I know what VM I'm looking at.
For example, if I run 'get-vm | get-vmhost', I get the output below. I can see the name of the host, but I don't know what the actual VM is. Is there a way to include the VM name in this output as well?
Name ConnectionState PowerState NumCpu CpuUsageMhz CpuTotalMhz MemoryUsageGB MemoryTotalGB Ver
---- --------------- ---------- ------ ----------- ----------- ------------- ------------- --- Connected PoweredOn 8 126 18080 19.774 23.987 0.0
labesxi1.hq.tella... Connected PoweredOn 12 2057 36696 45.648 95.987 1.0
usnvwvf5esx2.hq.t... Connected PoweredOn 16 1051 29776 42.050 127.987 0.0
usnvwvf5esx3.hq.t... Connected PoweredOn 24 1786 47856 95.862 255.987 0.0