Hi all,
I'm having a serious problem with datastore capacity when I transfer a huge amount of data to a virtual machine by SSH. The datastore has 511GB of total capacity. During the transfer proccess the virtual machine stops, just when the DataStore gets full. So the only solution is removing other virtual machines from the DataStore, but it's not enough.
We are using VMware ESX 3.5 and the virtual machine is Ubuntu Server. Here the configuration of the VM:
Memory: 1024MB
CPUs: 1
HardDisk1: 6GB
HardDisk2: 52GB
HardDisk3: 230GB
HardDisk4: 256GB
Storage distribution and capacity in VM View:
# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
3.4G 2.6G 621M 81% /
none 495M 220K 495M 1% /dev
none 500M 0 500M 0% /dev/shm
none 500M 524K 500M 1% /var/run
none 500M 0 500M 0% /var/lock
none 500M 0 500M 0% /lib/init/rw
5.4G 276M 4.8G 6% /home
1008M 34M 924M 4% /tmp
1008M 53M 904M 6% /var/log
/dev/sda1 122M 118M 0 100% /boot
479G 219G 236G 49% /home-dpto
HardDisk3 and HardDisk4 are mapped into a LVM volume (VG02-VG02_home_dpto) and its free space is 236GB. DataStorage free space: 4,56GB. I don't understand why. The problem may be caused by automatic generating new VMDKs:
*ficheros00.platform.core.vmdk ->6GB
*ficheros00.platform.core_1.vmdk ->54GB
*ficheros00.platform.core_2.vmdk ->241GB
*ficheros00.platform.core.-000002.vmdk ->24GB
*ficheros00.platform.core_2-000001.vmdk ->166GB
At the first time, I got 20G of free space of the DataStore deleting some residual VMs. Then I tried to copy a 15GB folder through the network by SSH from another file server. This was the occupancy at the first time: (just compare)
*ficheros00.platform.core.vmdk ->6GB
*ficheros00.platform.core_1.vmdk ->54GB
*ficheros00.platform.core_2.vmdk ->241GB
*ficheros00.platform.core.-000002.vmdk ->10GB
*ficheros00.platform.core_2-000001.vmdk ->164GB
It seems 000002.vmdk and 00002.vmdk are growing during the file transfer but they don't consolidate data. I don't know whether this is a normal behavior. I think the space used for ficheros00.platform.core.-000002.vmdk ->24GB and ficheros00.platform.core_2-000001.vmdk ->166GB should be included within the ficheros00.platform.core_2.vmdk ->241GB and at the end of transfering data they shoud dissapear themselves.
We calculate the initial free space before allocate hard drives to the virtual machine.
Currently, in this dataStore we have 2 VM:
[root@hp585-01 eva4400:-02]# du -sh ficheros00.platform.core./
472G ficheros00.platform.core
[root@hp585-01 eva4400:-02]# du -sh lucus01.labo.core_1/
36G lucus01.labo.core_1
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much.
Best regards,